Friday, September 02, 2005

Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire...

Claudia came home from school yesterday. Singing "I have a new friend. I haaave a new frrrriend..."

ME: "So tell me about your friend, Claudia."

C: "Her name is Cassie. She wore a shirt with stripes on it. And a bow in her hair."

ME: "Oh, Yeah!? Is she nice?"

C: "Yep. She even takes naps. I don't take a nap. And she is little. Little like Taylor. And cute."

ME: "I'm glad you made a new friend."

C: "And she is in a wheelchair..."

OMG. I was so happy. What a sweet girl. She described her new friend and the fact that she was in a wheelchair was LAST on her list. How proud I was. Until later...

ME: "Tell Daddy about your new friend..."

C: "Her name is Cassie."

That was all. We couldn't get her to tell anything else. So Calie asks her: "Is she tall?" "Can she run fast?"

C: "She can run faster than ME!"

ME: "Wait a minute...I thought you said she was in a wheelchair?"

C: "Oh. I was just teasing!"

Little turd, here I thought she was so sweet and non prejudiced...And really she is a liar.

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