Today, I had to work all day. But it was a continuing education seminar--so, although I didn't "work", I did sit with co-workers, talk shop and learn new things.
Our school is about to undergo many changes. Our current "Head of School" is leaving. So, we need a new Director. We need CPR performed on the monster I like to call "curriculum".
The chick who was in charge of teaching us today was major cool. She has alot of experience in running schools, managing schools and validating schools. And has a theological background too. She had so many good ideas and input for our school--and taught in a fun way. So, imagine my surprise and joy to find that she is in consideration for the new Director position! After the seminar/workshop was over she went with all the teachers and aides to their classrooms to look at their rooms and give ideas and constructive criticisms for each classroom. I was excited to show mine off.
I have already started getting our room ready. I will have 3 aides next year. Two of my aides will be with me on alternate days in the mornings and the other will be with me every afternoon. One had never been in the room before,it was exciting showing it off. Our room got good marks and the only changes we may make were "If you want to, you might try..." ideas from Ms. Genius-hope-she's-my-new-boss.
I haven't been this excited about work since I was asked to take over a crumbling department (and we kicked A$$). I'm excited about my room, my aides and my new (and old) kids!
Now, if only I could find a job I like AND get paid enough to cover my bills...then I'd have it made!!
Just don’t be a dick
5 days ago
Thank you for the super nice comment. Was having a droopy missing my friend Skip day, and you made my day. Thank You.
Ahh, that is the irony isn't it. Money to survive or happiness. I'm in the same boat. Miserable every day but nothing else pays what my job does now. It's a vicious circle.
Keeping my fingers you get the boss you want. -- v
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